Inspired by low voter turnout rates in primary and local elections. I set out to create a platform that would allow users to easily access civic information and easily get involved in their local political process, all on their mobile phone.
The primary user persona is a younger voter between the ages of 18-40 who primarily uses a mobile phone to consume news and other content while on the go. This audience was targeted after conducting interviews and surveys which showed that this age group in particular did not know where to get local political information. This included when local elections are held and who was in the running.
Data was driving the design process from the start. Analyzing competitors, scouring existing public info, and staging in person user testing all combined to inform my prototype.
65 years
Percentage of voters who voted in the 2014 Pennslvania primary.
Median Age of voters in the 2014 Pennsylvania Primary,
Data shows that people consistently vote less often in non-presidential elections. I see Ballot Buddy as a proposed solution to shorten this gap.